
Sunday, April 9, 2017


“REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!” – Seems like the movement “THE RESISTANCE” against Republican POTUS 45 and his GOP Congress need a rallying cry or two – perhaps even more.  Some rallying cries already exist such as that of Senator Bernie Sanders, “Despair is not an option.”  Another rallying cry is the recent Women’s March, “Hear Our Voice!”  For me, I think I’m going to use “REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!”  Why?  Well, for me, the rallying cry is not only a powerful moment in our history but it also symbolizes what was lost, the grievous traumatizing costs of those losses, the courage and passion and focus it took to regain lost ground in order to overcome malicious trespassing.

Current Republican POTUS 45, Republican House Speaker, Republican Senate Majority Leader, and Republican Congress – all taken together have engaged in malicious trespassing by laying siege like an army to what Americans value most.  The most egregious part of their siege has been to try and cut out and cut away “Essential Health Benefits” – not only once but twice since 45 took office on January 20th of this year.  They have also tried to cut out and cut away our diversity as a people through their Muslim Travel Ban efforts.  They have sought to make the rich and powerful even more rich and more powerful and more protected through reverse Robin Hood tax reform tactics that put the middle class and poor at frightening risk.  Lastly POTUS 45 and 45's administration engage in nepotism, collusion with foreign powers, illegally attacking another country, and astonishing violations of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause that 45's GOP Congress egregiously and unlawfully let slide.  If the current POTUS was a democrat, the GOP “Party of No” the past seven years would be all over that individual and their administration like no tomorrow.  There would be too many investigations to count, Articles of Impeachment would be well underway.

"REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!" focuses my mind very clearly on what I must do through civil non-violent dissent between now and when the public’s will is sufficiently strengthened to overcome our time’s General Santa Anna (POTUS 45) and his GOP army’s assaults on -- and sieges of -- our inalienable Constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.       

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